"To journey without being changed is to be a nomad.

To change without journeying is to be a chameleon.

To journey and to be transformed by the journey is to be a pilgrim." -Mark Nepo

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Sights on the Seine

People gravitate towards water.  Whether it is an ocean, lake, river, or just a puddle, people love to be near lapping waves and rippling pools.  This is no different in Paris.

The Seine River flows through Paris, spanned by thirty-seven bridges within city limits and countless more outside the city (according to wikipedia).  Riverboats, both commercial and recreational, make the river bustle.  But the most interesting thing to me were the people who were enjoying themselves along the banks.

In March 2010, after our visit to Notre Dame, E. and I took a walk along the Seine River.  We didn't descend the stairway to walk right along the water.  Rather we walked along the streets above, looking downwards towards the river.  Despite the lack of leaves on the trees and the whip of the wind, several people were enjoying the cobble-stoned pathways that run beside the quick current.  There were solitary sitters, young couples in love, as well as people on the move.  The sun was bright and people were enjoying their moment by the water.

It is difficult to see in the photo, but this man was carrying a pigeon in a box.  
A professional photographer doing his job.  I wonder what magazine these photos ended up in?


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