"To journey without being changed is to be a nomad.

To change without journeying is to be a chameleon.

To journey and to be transformed by the journey is to be a pilgrim." -Mark Nepo

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

A Weekend Jaunt to Brussels

Driving through the rain to our hotel in Brussels, Belgium

We made a weekend trip to Brussels to visit my aunt who was in Belgium for work.  It was about a five hour drive from Strasbourg to Brussels.  

My husband and I usually do research before traveling to a new place.  This trip was spur of the moment and neither of us did much in the way of educating ourselves about Brussels.  My husband researched a couple of hotels.  We also watched two videos produced by Americans who enjoy traveling and giving tips on where to go.  One had a five minute talk about Brussels, the other focused on the beer of the area.  It was highly entertaining but a little short on history and other types of entertainment.  So we went into this trip not knowing much.

When we drove into Brussels, I was immediately surprised by two things.  First of all, the city is built on a hill.  I am so used to the flatness of Strasbourg that I forgot that there can be changes in elevation.  The historic area of Brussels was built on one huge hill.  We were either going up it or down it.  I guess we went sideways a couple of times too.  

I was also surprised by the modernity of the city.  Again, this was a comparison to Strasbourg.  Strasbourg has a historic section that is surrounded by a ring of newer architecture.  Brussels had extremely modern buildings right next to some of its oldest landmarks.  There were honest to goodness skyscrapers in Brussels as well.  Strasbourg doesn't have skyscrapers.   

Brussels is the capitol of the European Union.  The building on the left is their headquarters.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you ate your fair share of chocolate while you were there and ventured down "restaurant road". We used to go to Brussels for French Class Field Trips when I was in high school! Those were the days....
