"To journey without being changed is to be a nomad.

To change without journeying is to be a chameleon.

To journey and to be transformed by the journey is to be a pilgrim." -Mark Nepo

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Home is Where the Heart Is

The bells of the Strasbourg cathedral are tolling while I am looking at online real estate listings for Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.  Have you ever wanted to live in two places at one time?   I have that push and pull feeling every single day. 
I am blessed to have two homes.  One home, Strasbourg, France, is where I spend the majority of my time.  My other home is southwestern Pennsylvania in the United States.  That is where I grew up, where the majority of the people that I know reside, where I wish that I could be when my life in France gets particularly difficult or lonely.  But I know that if I had been in Pennsylvania this whole time I would have missed out on all that living in France has taught me.  My heart truly belongs to both places.
I am missing familiar companionship at the moment.  When we move back to America, I will be missing the quiet flow and beauty of my life in Europe.  Cherish the moment, they say.  Be present in the now.  Bloom where you are planted.  I am really trying.  Once in awhile I actually succeed. 


  1. Wow, I certainly understand wanting to live in two parallel lives. What we always need to remember is that life plants us in moments for particular reasons. It is hard to savor everyday moments we take for granted, but don't you feel like that at least by writing it...that you are? Miss you so much my dear friend.

  2. I really loved this! My "two places" aren't as far apart but pull equally. I love my work and my office and my home in town but I LONG to be at the farm, walking the fields, being with my animals, driving my tractors and curling up with a cup of tea in the old farmhouse surrounded by the belongings of my ancestors.
